So, I am having a Christmas dress delima. If my name was Mahina I would just whip up the perfect Christmas dresses for my daughters. But since not all of us posses such talents I have had to resort to purchasing two different dresses and can't decide which one I like better. I like that the pink and brown one has sleeves but I don't think it's quite as cute at the turquoise and brown. What do you think?
I love 'em both. I say have a family photo shoot half time where you change the dresses. Then whichever pics turn out better choose that one.
I'm gonna have to say the brown and turquoise. If you're that hung up on the no sleeves you could have them wear a matching brown shirt underneath creating the illusion of sleeves. Both are, however, very cute.
I like the brown and turquoise. I'm sure you could find cute little sweaters for them to wear, if you prefer sleeves.
first of all, i love emi looking sideways at grace! so funny!
if it were me, (i would just whip up some dresses of my own in no time! haha! NOT! that was so pre-baby #3) i would pick the pink and brown because of the sleeves, but i am a "must have sleeves, no tank tops allowed" kind of mom. or if you really like the turquiose one better just find a cute shirt or a sweater to go with it!
where did you find those? they are gorgeous!
well, i better go, i need to cut some fabric and sew my girls christmas dresses!
I think they are both cute. Do the girls have any preference? I like the brown and turquoise, but would probably get a sweater, just in case it ever gets chilly in Texas, HAHA, and church buildings always tend to be on the colder side. Either one you choose, they will look beautiful.
I like the brown with the sleeves. The sleeveless dresses look too old for little girls and I think you'd have a hard time finding shrugs to match
As a dress, I like the brown and turqoiuse better but I'd have the same hesitation with the sleeves. The brown and pink is still adorable. With such cute girls how can you go wrong??
They're both cute, but the brown and turquoise is a little cuter. I would let the girls choose. By the way, I LOVE the matching dress thing. Its so fun and cute!!
I like the brown and turquoise. But I think Bridget's idea was pretty good. Let the pictures decide.
I'm with Mahina for the same reasons. I would definitely choose the first one. I think it's SUPER cute. I actually think it is cuter than the brown and turquoise. Whatever you end up choosing will be cute!
What a pickle your in! I like the brown one best but I'm a sleeve kind of girl so I'd add a shrug or sweater or I think I'd go with the one with sleeves.
I just can't get over how big and absolutely beautiful your girls are! I remember when Emi was just a tiny baby! Grace is gorgeous. I'd have to go with the brown/pink dresses...I'm pro-sleeves too.
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