Thursday, June 26, 2008


So my friend Jenn sent me an email today. Her sister has a daughter named Grace too and on her playlist she has a song called Gracie. The song is by a group named Ben Folds. I had never heard of them so I went to to check out the song. You are never going to believe this but, they also have a song called Emaline! WHAT THE HECK!!! It's not spelled the same at my Emiline but what are the chances of that? I put both songs on my playlist so that you can check it out if you don't believe me. Freaky, huh?


mahina said...

i love ben folds five! that is pretty freaky! did you check to see if they had any songs about a jaike or a tyler??! haha! now that would be super freaky!

Kat Rose said...

I love that song! But not as much as I love you. How is your summer going?

Scott-n-Allison said...

Don't know those songs or that band, but now I'll have to check them out. I remember Scott found a song called Allison Road and played it for me when I came off my mission. It's always fun to find something with your name in it.

Tonya said...

That is totally freaky! But very cool:0)

Melissa-Mc said...

I remember in Oregon when you met some lady in the parking lot who also had a Grace and Emiline.

Looks like there are many out that have good taste in names.

The Jones--trying to keep up said...

Maybe your girls were they're should sue for rights or something.:)