I apologize for the grossness of this post. Kind of yucky, huh? My point in this post is to say that sometimes having a dentist in the house can be quite handy. Emi has had "double teeth" for months. We thought that the babies would eventually fall out on their own but it just wasn't happening. Finally "Dr. Neilson" came to the rescue. Emi was a little frightened of the shot but hardly flinched. After that, it was a pretty painless procedure for her. It's not often that us ladies get to see their husbands in their professional element. It was pretty cool to witness. I am sure he saved us a pretty penny too. Thanks Doctor.
What's up with that first comment? Weird. I would not go to the survey, but that's just me. Too sketchy. You should go in and delete it.
Anyway, yes, that is kind of a gross picture, but very cool that Mike could just step in and take care of business. You know, I could use a little dental work, maybe he could just zip up here and fix them for me? :)
Where were you when I was little? I had the same problem upper and lower and it was not fun to get them pulled. Sorry Emi. Becca, I really enjoy your blog. I put you as a link on ours now that I finally updated. I also loved the wedding pics although, I think you looked great then you guys are definately a smokin' couple now!
Ewww!! That's really weird. I can't say I've seen that one before. But it is definitely nice that it could be taken care of "in house". Did Emi think it was cool or did it bug her?
Coooooool. I'm a nurse so it would take a lot more than that to gross me out. Maren has had that problem too. How nice for the dentist husband to come in handy! I am grateful for Nathan everytime I have computer problems. He's my free tech support.
ew gross! poor emi! it looks painful!
nice to have mike around to yank teeth out! you scored!
That pathetic thing is that I am a nurse and your pics gross me out :) Sorry Becca, that is why I went into nursing to wipe bums not look at mouths :) Glad you had such a great and experienced dentist nearby!
Wow, that is pretty gross, but in a cool way. Mike sure has skills. Poor Emi.
okay... so my vote says this is gross too! ;) Good job though! I think I'd be a lot more comfortable @ the dentist too if it was my dad. :) must be nice...
How crazy is that! I love that you got pictures of it! Such a blogger and a dentists' wife!
Yeah, I pretty much hate teeth. GROSS! But yeah for you! We were close to doing that with a couple of kids. My theory is better two than none at all.
Katelyn has the same problem! I am already dying over future orthodontic work! Oh well. They may turn out all right.
ohmigosh. that is so crazy. poor girl. I hope she's feeling better!
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