Man Blog #1 has been inspired by my recent construction of our storage shed. Our home here in Texas does not have adequate storage space. As a result, the garage (AKA my Man Space) was exceedingly cluttered. I could only think of two ways to add some storage space. I could either finish some of our attic, or build a storage shed. After many a Man trip to Lowe's I decided to build a shed. I did not want one of those flimsy metal ones or a plastic piece of junk, instead I went straight for a Mike Neilson original design. We are talking about a 10 x 12 foot little piece of Man Heaven complete with vaulted ceilings, custom lighting, full size door and carpet with padding. Oh yeah this is one for the MAN BLOG.
This is my favorite piece of the whole border. It was fun to work with the different shapes of rocks we had. For the stones we had to modify Becca served as the hammer babe. I would hold the chisle and she would give it a stout whack when needed. She did a great job and I still have all of my fingers. These two stones seemed to be made for one another. Stone Mason? Maybe not.
A lot of my decision to undertake this project during Christmas Break had to do with the knowledge that Ma and Pa Bell were coming. This meant I would have captive labor for about ten days and the price would be right. All I had to do was feed and house these two for a few days and in return I got to work them as hard as I wanted. Thanks for all of your help Ma and Pa. I am sure there will be payback down the road.
The Day the Bell's arrive I had 3 yards of gravel delivered and waiting in the drive way. I just wanted it to be clear when they drove up that this was no ordinary vacation. With the help of our friends the Williamson's, who showed up that night, we moved all of the gravel in no time at all.
All of the kids were there to help and some even got to ride in the wheel barrow.
My buddies were always close by to "Help". Tyler even got to shoot the nail gun, which he thought was really cool.
After I got home from work on Day #4 we put the sheathing on the roof and called it a day.
In the next couple of days, between Christmas and all of the other fun stuff we did while Grandma and Grandpa were in town, we managed to put up all of the trim and pretty much complete the job. When Pa Bell left, the only thing I had to do was finish the roofing.
In the next couple of days, between Christmas and all of the other fun stuff we did while Grandma and Grandpa were in town, we managed to put up all of the trim and pretty much complete the job. When Pa Bell left, the only thing I had to do was finish the roofing.
All in all, I think this is the best shed I have ever built. Since this picture was taken I have sealed the floor, installed carpet and padding as well as a bunch of shelves. The clutter in the garage is already much better. The last thing left to do is paint it to match the house. I was planning to do that with the long weekend, but it looks like the weather is not going to cooperate.
Well I hope you have enjoyed MAN BLOG #1. The shed was a fun project and I am sure it will serve us well. Thanks again to all of those who helped.
As for my next project; stone borders for our flower beds, tree wells and the garden. Wish me luck.
Lots of love Mike N.